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I dislike writing about myself.. it takes away from my mysteriousness.

Oct 10, 2024

2 min read




What are you most passionate about? What do you care deeply about?

I am most passionate about my sanity and happiness. What makes me happy? My mother being happy, being successful, and nature.


What are your top 3-4 personal attributes-- the things that define how you make things happen?
I would say I am creative. She's very innovative, very out-of-the-boxish. Everything's a competition obviously so competitive. Independent.. easygoing? 


What specific professional experiences reflect your strengths and values? What are your 3-4 greatest strengths that have benefited or helped others around you?
Some "professional" experiences that reflect my strengths and values? I haven't done any internships quite yet. I've managed various social media pages including Limestone WBB, Limestone MBB, and Limestone student activities. I was the executive director for Limestone Student activities where I planned, organized, and oversaw student events and activities. I'd like to think I enhanced people's student life at some point. Back in 2020 covid days, I helped organize some local BLM protests. That was cool. 


What do you have to offer that no one else does? What makes you unique and sets you apart from your peers?
I believe I offer a unique yet familiar vibe. When you meet me, you'll likely think, 'Wow, she's so cool; I've never met anyone like her,' while also feeling, 'It's like I've known her my whole life.' Does that make sense, or does it sound conceited? Essentially, I'm very welcoming, and nonjudgmental, and always strive to view things from others' perspectives which, unfortunately, is hard to find nowadays. If that's not enough then I'm also scuba certified and I'm not too sure anybody else in this class is so there's that.


Identify the 3 words or phrases that reflect your personal brand’s attributes
Visionary, Contemporary, Eco-friendly

Oct 10, 2024

2 min read




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